Friday 8 July 2011

The Rehabilitation of Owen

Corrie has been doing something rather dastardly with that Owen Armstrong just lately. They've been making me like him. Only grudgingly, so far, but still...the starting to like is definitely there.

I feel rather strange about this. I have loathed Owen since he first showed up. For months now, almost a year in fact, he has been presented as a bully with no redeeming features whatsoever, and I was quite happy to loathe him with a fiery passion accordingly. But all of a sudden we are starting to see other, softer sides to the character, the peeling back of layers, which makes it appear that maybe he does have redeeming features after all.

The rehabilitation of Owen Armstrong has been coming on for a while now. It's been hinted at in odd scenes, suggested via spoilers. But I never really believed that how I felt about the character might change, the loathing was too deep-seated, the damage already done...

Except that apparently I'm easy to manipulate after all. Despite all those months of loathing and determination not to give it up, I can feel myself beginning to bend. After all Owen's furious opposition to young Katy's pregnancy - which, if I'm honest, I really can't blame him for - now that he's accepted it, he's starting to become supportive, even proving himself useful both in a practical and advice-giving sense, albeit in his own gruff way. Got to respect the man for that. And after all his hostility toward young Chesney since he took up with Katy, over the last few weeks he has really taken the lad under his wing just when he needed support the most. Again, got to respect the man for that.

Anna seems to like him, too, and I do love Anna, so maybe her liking of him is swaying me a little as well.

Fair play to you, Corrie. You've got me. Your tactics are working. Even though I've been aware the whole time of how deliberate the rehabilitation strategy has been, I have been unable to remain immune.

The question is, though, will the very grudging starting to like ever make it all the way to a full blown I really like this character now? Only time will tell.